One feature that many people really like and always mention when talking about Apple devices is the fact that they connect together and allow you to share files with ease and even answer your phone or text messages on your computer. As an avid PC user, I can see how this would be handy.
For Windows 11 Microsoft has added a new feature. It is called PhoneLink. If you turn this feature on you can connect your Android phone or iPhone to your Windows 11 computer. You can share files, answer text messages and phone calls from your computer and even use your phone’s apps while on your computer. You can also see all of your notifications in the window of PhoneLink and access all of your phone’s pictures.
I recently enabled this feature on my desktop computer in my office. Being able to respond to texts from my computer is much easier. I can even copy links from my browser right into my text messages or take links from a text message and pop it into my browser. I wish I had not fought this. I was aware of this months before I actually added it. I usually don’t jump into new applications; I wait for the bugs to be worked out first.
I am just beginning to see all of the uses for this, and it is really saving me time. For someone who works in an office this would be fantastic. It was also very easy to set up. You turn on the app on your phone and enable the setting on your computer and follow the prompts and give it a few permissions. It took me less than a minute to get it going. The biggest requirement is to have your phone and computer on the same network.
This PhoneLink is set to automatically start each time I start my computer, so it is always available to me. If you have Windows 11 and would like to set up this feature, I can help you with this but it is pretty easy so you can probably figure it out on your own. While setting up a new computer Windows will ask if you want it set up.
I know a lot of people don’t like to upgrade Windows but if you are on Windows 10 this feature alone would make it worthwhile to upgrade to Windows 11. I can also help you with this if needed.