YES, Another Update About Windows 10 End of Life.

So, a few months ago I wrote about Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 as of January 2025. Well, a couple days after I sent that newsletter out, I discovered that Microsoft changed their date to October 2025. This means you have an extra nine months before they stop supporting Windows 10.

Just because Microsoft decided to wait an additional nine months doesn’t mean you should just forget about upgrading. If your computer is able to upgrade to Windows 11 you will gain more than you will lose by doing this upgrade. If you don’t know how to upgrade or if you are not sure if you can upgrade, I can help you check the possibility and even help with getting it done. I can also help you find a suitable replacement if you can’t upgrade.

While this extra time is helpful since you can save longer for a new computer or check for sales for a longer time, putting off the inevitable isn’t always a good thing. As I have mentioned, there are a few features that make Windows 11 great for more productivity and ease of working with your computer.

The Windows Phone Link is something I use daily to quickly get links and pictures transferred between my desktop and my phone. It saves me so much time. I also use the enhanced snap assist to get certain windows exactly where I want them on my two screens.

If you find out that your computer can’t be upgraded to Windows 11 that means that the processor is not fast/strong enough to handle the new speeds and other demands of Windows 11. Once you make the move and get a new computer you will be presently surprised at the responsiveness and how you can easily do more than one thing at a time.

The slight learning curve is well worth it. If you need help finding the right computer or help setting it up, I can help with both.

Passwords, the continuing saga.

Here is another article about passwords. I could probably have a newsletter that is dedicated to passwords every month and I would still have information that I can’t send out because there is so much information about passwords. 

I recently read an article that claims it is possible to recreate a password by hearing the slight differences in the keys punched while entering your password. They state that using a smart phone microphone in the same room or the microphone in a zoom meeting it could be possible using AI to get a password.

While this is mostly just hypothetical, at this point the potential is there. The point I am trying to make is that it is becoming harder and harder to keep your passwords secure. This is why I think using a password manager is the safest way to go.

When you use a password manager all of your passwords are hidden behind a secure wall that only you can access. Bonus if you can access this wall by using something other than a password like your fingerprint, or two factor authentication through an app on your phone. The password manager that I suggest allows you to use Windows Hello, which can be your fingerprint, your face, a pin number or your other device to log into their application. This way you are not inputting a password which apparently can now be heard by your keystrokes.

I know this all sounds very scary, but keep in mind that sophisticated methods like listening for your keystrokes and similar things will first be used on much bigger fish than people like us since they require a lot of hi-tech gadgets and programs. Eventually this might become more mainstream but by then there will probably be more ways to counteract this threat and good password managers will be ahead of the game.

Another good reason to have a password manager is the “set it and forget it” factor. I often help people set up new computers and the thing that takes the most time is finding all of their passwords to get their email and other important accounts set up on their new machine. What typically happens is they pull out their password cheat sheet and we start attempting to login to their accounts. Sometimes they will have a few different passwords for the same account, and we go through each with trial and error until we find the correct one or we get to the point where we have to reset it. This costs these folks a lot of time and money since I charge by the time I spend. It would be so much easier to just add their password manager to the new computer and then all of their passwords would be correct in this app, and it would only take a few minutes to sign into all of their accounts.

Here is the password manager that I use:

If you need help setting up a password manager, give me a call and I can help.

I saw this on Facebook a while back:

Why Are My Personal Documents on My Employee’s Computer?

As scary as this sounds, I have had this question from many small business owners. Usually, it happens for one of two reasons. They either used their personal Microsoft account to set up an employee’s computer or they used their personal Microsoft Office 365 subscription for their employee’s office applications. Either way you can end up with all of your stuff, no matter how confidential it is, on other computers.

I know Microsoft doesn’t make it easy to set up computers for your employees since they mostly require a Microsoft account to complete set up and you may not have a Microsoft account for the employee yet. I also know it can be a major expense to add Microsoft office onto their computers. But, most small business owners don’t realize they are sharing all of their information when they use their accounts.

When you sign into a new computer with your Microsoft account it will copy everything from your current computer that is in Microsoft Edge and Microsoft OneDrive. So, if you use Edge and save your passwords there you will inadvertently copy them all to your employee’s new computer. This can also include saved credit card numbers and bank logins. If you use OneDrive everything from your Desktop, Documents and Pictures folders will also sync to this new computer. Even if you can get past the required Microsoft account on setup you can still end up with all of your info on this new computer if you share one of your 5 copies of MS Office Family.

So how can you safely set up a computer without sharing your entire personal life with your crew? For enterprise sized businesses there is the option to use MS Azure and the employee’s email account as the business Microsoft account. But very small businesses usually don’t have this as an option since it can get very expensive. Rather than using your personal copy of Office365, you can share a copy with their Microsoft account. If they don’t have one, you can easily create one.

If you are not sure how to do this, it is probably best to call someone like me to assist with this. I can help you find the most economical way to set up the computer for your employees to use and keep all of your personal information from ending up on their machine.

Windows 10 End of Support

In January of 2025 Microsoft will end their general support for Windows 10. This means that after next January, any computers still running Windows 10 will not receive security updates any longer. Due to this, those computers will be more vulnerable to internet attacks since new security issues found will not be addressed in those computers by getting updates. Over time, you will not be able to access certain sites and eventually your browsers will quit working.

None of this will happen immediately and I know there are still people using Windows 7 which has not been supported for years. But if your Windows 10 computer is used for any financial or secure connections, upgrading is a great idea. So, if you are still using Windows 10, it is time to start planning to switch to Windows 11 if your computer will allow it. If that isn’t possible you should start considering getting a new computer.

If you are not sure what version of Windows you have it is easy to tell between Windows 10 and Windows 11. In Windows 10 the start button is four white squares and in Windows 11, the start button is four blue squares.

If you are on Windows 10, click on the start button and then click on the settings menu. Once that opens, click on Updates and it should list if your computer can upgrade to Windows 11. If not, give me a call, sometimes you just need to change a couple settings to be able to upgrade to Windows 11. I can tell you in a few minutes if that is the case or if you need to get a new computer.

If you discover that you do need a new computer, I can help you find one that is powerful enough to handle all of your needs while staying affordable for your budget. I can also help you set up the new machine and migrate all of your data from the old one.

One big question I always get asked is why does this happen? As the “war” between Microsoft software engineers and the bad guys continues, Microsoft has to keep making patches for every version of their operating system that is out there. When you consider that they create new sub versions, usually three times per year, there can be quite a few versions they need to make patches for. For this reason, they make a cutoff date so they can keep the number of versions down to a manageable size. These versions are necessary since there is a steady stream of new and faster hardware being made all the time and Microsoft needs to have software that can take full advantage of those improvements.

I have only mentioned Microsoft because they still have the majority of the market, but Apple does the same thing, it just isn’t reported as loudly. I run into people all the time that have MacBooks that no longer get updates and begin to lose functionality. This is all part of the computer world. The same goes for all cell phones and tablets too.

One extra benefit to upgrading, I recently had a customer that was having trouble with her Microsoft Office, and we ended up uninstalling it to fix the problem. Once it was uninstalled there was an error that kept us from reinstalling it. I upgraded her computer from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and then I was able to install Office again. A new operating system can solve old issues sometimes.

Windows Phone Link Phone Application

One feature that many people really like and always mention when talking about Apple devices is the fact that they connect together and allow you to share files with ease and even answer your phone or text messages on your computer. As an avid PC user, I can see how this would be handy.

For Windows 11 Microsoft has added a new feature. It is called PhoneLink. If you turn this feature on you can connect your Android phone or iPhone to your Windows 11 computer. You can share files, answer text messages and phone calls from your computer and even use your phone’s apps while on your computer. You can also see all of your notifications in the window of PhoneLink and access all of your phone’s pictures.

I recently enabled this feature on my desktop computer in my office. Being able to respond to texts from my computer is much easier. I can even copy links from my browser right into my text messages or take links from a text message and pop it into my browser. I wish I had not fought this. I was aware of this months before I actually added it. I usually don’t jump into new applications; I wait for the bugs to be worked out first.

I am just beginning to see all of the uses for this, and it is really saving me time. For someone who works in an office this would be fantastic. It was also very easy to set up. You turn on the app on your phone and enable the setting on your computer and follow the prompts and give it a few permissions. It took me less than a minute to get it going. The biggest requirement is to have your phone and computer on the same network.

This PhoneLink is set to automatically start each time I start my computer, so it is always available to me. If you have Windows 11 and would like to set up this feature, I can help you with this but it is pretty easy so you can probably figure it out on your own. While setting up a new computer Windows will ask if you want it set up.

I know a lot of people don’t like to upgrade Windows but if you are on Windows 10 this feature alone would make it worthwhile to upgrade to Windows 11. I can also help you with this if needed.